Unlocking Cost Savings in AWS with Savings Plans

all aws aws comparison 101 aws cost management Feb 28, 2024


AWS offers a strategic model to achieve significant cost savings without compromising on flexibility or scalability: AWS Savings Plans. This innovative pricing model can help customers reduce their AWS bill by up to 72% compared to On-Demand prices, with a commitment to a consistent hourly spend over one or three years. This blog post delves into the types of AWS Savings Plans and how they can streamline your cloud spending.

Understanding AWS Savings Plans

AWS Savings Plans is a flexible pricing model designed for customers looking to lower their cloud computing costs. By committing to a specific amount of compute usage (measured in dollars per hour) for a 1- or 3-year term, customers benefit from lower rates across a range of AWS services, enhancing cost-efficiency across their cloud infrastructure.

Types of AWS Savings Plans

AWS categorizes its Savings Plans into three distinct types, each tailored to different computing needs and services:

1. Compute Savings Plans

  • What is Covered: These plans cover usage across Amazon EC2, AWS Lambda, and AWS Fargate, offering flexibility for workloads with variable compute needs or those utilizing multiple compute services.
  • Discount: Customers can achieve up to 66% off On-Demand pricing, with discounts varying based on services, regions, and usage patterns.
  • Duration: Choose between 1-year and 3-year terms.

2. EC2 Instance Savings Plans

  • What is Covered: Tailored for Amazon EC2 instances, these plans allow commitments to specific instance families in a chosen region while offering the flexibility to adjust instance sizes or configurations within that family.
  • Discount: Secure up to 72% off On-Demand rates, the highest potential savings among the plans, dependent on the chosen instance family, region, and commitment term.
  • Duration: Available in 1-year or 3-year terms.

3. Amazon SageMaker Savings Plans

  • What is Covered: Specifically designed for Amazon SageMaker, these plans cover costs associated with machine learning model training and inference, helping reduce the expenses of developing, training, and deploying machine learning models.
  • Discount: Offers up to 64% off On-Demand pricing, providing significant cost savings for machine learning projects.
  • Duration: Options include 1-year and 3-year commitment terms.

Advantages of AWS Savings Plans

  • Cost Efficiency: Significant reductions in cloud computing costs, enabling savings of up to 72% compared to On-Demand pricing.
  • Flexibility: Especially with Compute Savings Plans, users enjoy the freedom to adjust their cloud service usage without impacting their savings.
  • Simplicity: Streamlined billing and cost management, with predictable spending based on the committed hourly rate.

Getting Started with AWS Savings Plans

To begin leveraging AWS Savings Plans:

  1. Access the AWS Management Console.
  2. Visit the Cost Management section.
  3. Utilize the AWS Cost Explorer to review our historical usage and determine the most suitable Savings Plans based on our compute needs.
  4. Choose and commit to the plan that aligns with our operational requirements and budget.


AWS Savings Plans represent a powerful tool for optimizing cloud expenses, offering tailored options for a broad range of services from computing resources to machine learning. By understanding the distinct types of Savings Plans—Compute Savings Plans, EC2 Instance Savings Plans, and Amazon SageMaker Savings Plans—we can make informed decisions that align with our cloud strategy and financial objectives. Embrace AWS Savings Plans to unlock the potential for substantial cost savings, driving more value from your AWS cloud investments.

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