Understanding TLS Termination with Load Balancers in AWS

all aws aws networking aws security Apr 19, 2024


In the realm of web applications, securing data transmission is crucial. TLS (Transport Layer Security) is a protocol that ensures privacy between communicating applications and their users on the Internet. When setting up an AWS environment, understanding TLS termination—where and how TLS connections are ended—is vital. This blog post explores TLS termination using AWS Load Balancers and at the EC2 instance level, discussing different scenarios and their benefits.

What is TLS Termination?

TLS termination refers to the point where encrypted traffic is decrypted during its journey from the client to the server. The termination point can be at the load balancer or the server itself. Terminating TLS at the load balancer can offload the cryptographic workload from the backend servers, potentially improving performance.

TLS Termination at the Load Balancer

AWS offers several types of load balancers that can handle TLS termination:

  1. Application Load Balancer (ALB) - Ideal for HTTP and HTTPS traffic, ALB can manage TLS termination efficiently. By handling the decryption at the load balancer level, ALB frees up resources on the backend servers which can then focus solely on serving requests.

  2. Network Load Balancer (NLB) - While primarily used for TCP traffic where one might not expect TLS termination, NLB can handle TLS termination as of recent updates. This is useful for scenarios where high performance and low latency are critical.

  3. Classic Load Balancer (CLB) - The oldest type of load balancer in AWS, it supports both HTTP and TCP traffic. TLS termination is supported but with less flexibility and fewer features compared to ALB and NLB.

Configuring TLS Termination on AWS Load Balancers

Setting up TLS termination involves:

  • Deploying an SSL/TLS certificate to the load balancer.
  • Configuring security policies and ciphers.
  • Redirecting all HTTP traffic to HTTPS to ensure secure connections.

AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) can be used to provision, manage, and deploy the SSL/TLS certificates on load balancers, simplifying the process significantly.

TLS Termination at the EC2 Instance

In some scenarios, you might choose to terminate TLS at the EC2 instance itself. This method is beneficial when:

  • You require end-to-end encryption.
  • You need to comply with specific security policies that demand encryption reaches the server.
  • You utilize services or software on your server that manage TLS more efficiently or require direct interaction with the TLS traffic.


Choosing where to terminate TLS—whether at the load balancer or the EC2 instance—depends largely on your application's specific needs and compliance requirements. Terminating at the load balancer generally enhances performance by offloading cryptographic functions and simplifying certificate management. However, terminating at the EC2 instance can be crucial for certain security-centric applications.

AWS provides versatile solutions for TLS termination, catering to various scenarios and needs. By leveraging AWS capabilities, you can ensure your applications are secure, efficient, and compliant with relevant standards.

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