Understanding Inspector Classic and Transitioning to the New Amazon Inspector

all aws aws compliance aws monitoring Jun 29, 2024


Amazon Inspector is a powerful tool designed to help AWS users automate security assessments for their applications deployed on AWS. While many users are familiar with the newer version of Amazon Inspector, it's essential to understand its predecessor, Inspector Classic, and the reasons for transitioning to the updated tool.

What is Inspector Classic?

Inspector Classic was the original version of Amazon Inspector. It provided AWS users with the ability to automate security assessments, offering tools to identify vulnerabilities and compliance issues within their applications. This was crucial for maintaining security and adhering to best practices in an automated and scalable manner.

How to Access Inspector Classic

In the current Amazon Inspector dashboard, you will find a link in the sidebar labeled "Switch to Inspector Classic." This link allows users to access the older version of the service. Here’s a quick guide on how to navigate to Inspector Classic:

  1. Log in to your AWS Management Console.
  2. Navigate to Amazon Inspector.
  3. In the sidebar, click on "Switch to Inspector Classic."

Why Transition to the New Amazon Inspector?

While Inspector Classic played a vital role in the early stages of automated security assessments, it has largely been superseded by the new Amazon Inspector. The updated version comes with several enhancements:

  • Enhanced Features: The new Amazon Inspector includes improved assessment capabilities, offering more detailed findings and better integration with other AWS services.
  • Comprehensive Approach: The new version provides a more streamlined and user-friendly approach to security assessments.
  • Continuous Scanning: Unlike the periodic scans in Inspector Classic, the new Amazon Inspector offers continuous scanning of resources, helping to identify vulnerabilities and misconfigurations in real-time.
  • Better Integration: The new Inspector integrates seamlessly with AWS Organizations, allowing for centralized management and reporting across multiple AWS accounts.

Maintaining Compatibility

Inspector Classic remains available for users who have existing dependencies on the service. This is crucial for maintaining compatibility and ensuring that workflows built around Inspector Classic continue to function smoothly. However, transitioning to the new Amazon Inspector is advisable to take advantage of the latest features, improved performance, and enhanced security capabilities.


  • New Users: If you are new to Amazon Inspector, it’s best to start with the updated version to leverage its advanced features and better performance.
  • Existing Users: If you have systems and workflows dependent on Inspector Classic, consider planning a transition to the new Inspector. This will help you stay up-to-date with the latest security tools and best practices.


Inspector Classic served as a crucial tool for AWS users to automate their security assessments. However, with the advancements in the new Amazon Inspector, it’s time to transition and take advantage of the latest innovations in security assessment. AWS continues to support Inspector Classic for backward compatibility, but for optimal security management, leveraging the updated Amazon Inspector is the way forward.

Feel free to reach out with any questions or for further assistance on transitioning from Inspector Classic to the new Amazon Inspector. Happy securing!

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