Understanding HMAC Keys in AWS KMS

all aws aws kms aws security Jan 25, 2024

Welcome to this introductory blog post on HMAC keys in AWS Key Management Service (KMS). Let's break down the concept in a simple, easy-to-understand manner.

What are HMAC Keys in AWS KMS?

HMAC (Hash-Based Message Authentication Code) keys in AWS KMS represent a type of symmetric key used to generate and verify HMACs. They play a critical role in ensuring the integrity and authenticity of data within AWS KMS. Here's what you need to know:

  • Symmetric Keys: HMAC keys are symmetric, meaning the same key is used for both generating and verifying an HMAC.
  • Use of HMAC: HMAC combines a cryptographic hash function with a shared secret key (the HMAC key) to produce a unique code or tag. This tag changes entirely with even the slightest alteration in the message or key, ensuring data integrity.
  • Secret Key Security: The key material of an HMAC key never leaves AWS KMS unencrypted, ensuring its security.

Key Features and Uses of HMAC KMS Keys

  • GenerateMac and VerifyMac: These are the primary operations you can use with HMAC KMS keys. GenerateMac is used to create an HMAC tag, while VerifyMac verifies it.
  • Applications: HMAC KMS keys are useful in authenticating messages, like JWTs or tokenized credit card information, and can be used as secure Key Derivation Functions (KDFs).
  • Conformance to Standards: AWS KMS's HMAC keys conform to industry standards (RFC 2104) and are generated in secure hardware modules.
  • Multi-Region Support: You can create multi-Region HMAC KMS keys, allowing for consistent key usage across different AWS Regions.

Managing HMAC KMS Keys

  • User Control: Users can create, manage, and utilize HMAC KMS keys, including enabling, disabling, and scheduling deletion.
  • Access Control: Access to keys can be controlled through key policies, IAM policies, and grants. All operations are auditable via AWS CloudTrail logs.
  • Limitations: HMAC KMS keys can't be used for encrypting data or for automatic key rotation. They are restricted to GenerateMac and VerifyMac operations.

Important Points to Remember for Exams

When preparing for your AWS exam, remember these crucial points about HMAC KMS keys:

  1. Key Usage: Understand the specific use of HMAC keys - they're used for generating and verifying HMAC tags, not for encryption.
  2. Operations: Familiarize yourself with GenerateMac and VerifyMac operations.
  3. Security and Compliance: Know that the key material is always encrypted within AWS KMS and conforms to RFC 2104.
  4. Management and Auditability: Be aware of how to manage these keys and the importance of auditing their use through AWS CloudTrail.
  5. Multi-Region Capability: Remember that HMAC KMS keys can be multi-Region, but they do not support automatic key rotation.
  6. Application Use Cases: Understand typical use cases, such as verifying the authenticity of JWTs or as a Key Derivation Function.
  7. Access Controls: Know how to control access using key policies, IAM policies, and grants.


By keeping these points in mind, you'll have a solid understanding of HMAC keys in AWS KMS for your exam and practical applications. Always stay updated with AWS documentation for the latest features and best practices!

See also

Read more about HMAC at secdops.com/blog/understanding-hash-based-message-authentication-codes-hmac.

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