Understanding EC2 Savings Plans

all aws amazon ec2 aws cost management Jan 19, 2024


EC2 Savings Plans offer a cost-effective way to use AWS services, particularly for those of us who need long-term, consistent compute resources. Let's break it down to understand how EC2 Savings Plans work and how they can benefit us.

What Are EC2 Savings Plans?

EC2 Savings Plans are a pricing model offered by AWS to help us save on our EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) costs. Essentially, they allow us to commit to a consistent amount of compute usage, measured in dollars per hour (for example, $10/hour), over a 1 or 3-year term. By making this commitment, we receive a significant discount – up to 72%, which is comparable to the savings offered by Reserved Instances (RIs).

Key Features of EC2 Savings Plans

  • Long-Term Commitment with Significant Discounts: By committing to a certain usage level, we can avail discounts up to 72%. This is similar to the cost savings we would get with Reserved Instances.

  • Flexibility Within the Plan: One of the standout features of EC2 Savings Plans is their flexibility. While we commit to a certain usage type (like $10/hour), we have the freedom to change across:

    • Instance Size: For instance, we can switch between m5.xlarge, m5.2xlarge, etc.
    • Operating System: Choose between different OS options like Linux or Windows.
    • Tenancy: Options like Host, Dedicated, and Default tenancy are available.
  • Billing for Additional Usage: Any usage that goes beyond the scope of our EC2 Savings Plan is billed at the standard On-Demand rates.

How EC2 Savings Plans Compare to Reserved Instances

While our focus is on EC2 Savings Plans, it's helpful to briefly understand how they differ from Reserved Instances:

  • Flexibility vs. Specificity: Savings Plans offer more flexibility in terms of instance types and sizes within a family and region, whereas Reserved Instances are more specific and less flexible.
  • Scope of Application: Reserved Instances are locked to specific instance types and sizes in a designated AWS region, whereas Savings Plans offer more leeway within the committed usage type and region.

Real-World Application

Let's consider a scenario where we are managing cloud infrastructure for an organization. We predict a steady need for AWS compute resources but also expect some changes in the exact requirements over time. By opting for an EC2 Savings Plan, we can commit to a certain level of usage while retaining the flexibility to adjust the instance sizes or operating systems as our needs evolve. This flexibility is particularly beneficial in a dynamic tech environment.


Understanding EC2 Savings Plans is crucial for anyone involved in managing AWS resources, especially for those of us preparing for exams or certifications. These plans offer a blend of cost savings and flexibility, making them an attractive option for long-term, consistent use of AWS services. By choosing EC2 Savings Plans, we can efficiently manage our cloud computing costs while retaining the flexibility to adapt to changing requirements.

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