Troubleshooting Security Incidents Using AWS Cognito Logs

all aws Jul 30, 2024

AWS Cognito is a powerful service for managing user authentication and access control in your applications. However, like any security service, it's essential to know how to troubleshoot potential issues effectively. One crucial aspect of troubleshooting is leveraging AWS Cognito logs to gain insights into security incidents. In this blog post, we will explore how to use AWS Cognito logs to troubleshoot security incidents, providing an objective insight into handling such scenarios.

Understanding AWS Cognito Logs

AWS Cognito provides various logs that can help you monitor and troubleshoot your user authentication and authorization processes. These logs are part of AWS CloudWatch and can be enabled to track different types of events. The key logs you should be aware of include:

  1. CloudTrail Logs: Capture API calls made to Cognito, providing a detailed record of all actions taken within your Cognito user pools.
  2. CloudWatch Logs: Provide detailed insights into user sign-in attempts, including successes and failures, as well as other significant events.

Enabling AWS Cognito Logging

Before you can use AWS Cognito logs for troubleshooting, you need to ensure that logging is enabled for your Cognito user pools. Follow these steps to enable logging:

  1. Enable CloudTrail for Cognito:

    • Go to the AWS CloudTrail console.
    • Create a new trail or modify an existing one.
    • Ensure that Cognito is included in the list of AWS services to log.
  2. Enable CloudWatch Logs for Cognito:

    • Navigate to the Cognito user pool in the AWS Management Console.
    • Go to the "General settings" and then to "App clients".
    • Ensure that you have enabled detailed logs for sign-in and sign-up events.

Analyzing AWS Cognito Logs

Once logging is enabled, you can start analyzing the logs to troubleshoot security incidents. Here are some steps and tips to guide you through the process:

  1. Accessing CloudTrail Logs:

    • Go to the AWS CloudTrail console and open your trail.
    • Use the CloudTrail Event History to search for specific API calls related to Cognito.
    • Filter events by the "Event source" to focus on Cognito-related activities.
  2. Interpreting CloudTrail Logs:

    • Look for events such as CreateUserPool, AdminCreateUser, AdminInitiateAuth, and SignUp.
    • Examine the request parameters and response elements to understand the context of each event.
    • Pay attention to the ErrorCode and ErrorMessage fields to identify failed operations.
  3. Accessing CloudWatch Logs:

    • Go to the CloudWatch console and navigate to the Logs section.
    • Find the log group associated with your Cognito user pool.
    • Use the log streams to access detailed records of sign-in and sign-up attempts.
  4. Interpreting CloudWatch Logs:

    • Look for log entries related to SIGN_IN, SIGN_UP, AUTHENTICATION_FAILED, and PASSWORD_RESET.
    • Analyze the timestamp, user information, and event details to understand the sequence of events.
    • Identify patterns or anomalies that could indicate potential security incidents.

Common Troubleshooting Scenarios

  1. Failed Sign-In Attempts:

    • Identify the source IP address of failed attempts to detect potential brute-force attacks.
    • Check if the failed attempts are concentrated on specific user accounts.
  2. Suspicious API Calls:

    • Look for unusual API activity, such as a high frequency of AdminInitiateAuth calls.
    • Verify if the API calls are coming from trusted sources.
  3. Account Compromise:

    • Investigate unusual patterns in user sign-in locations or devices.
    • Cross-reference CloudTrail and CloudWatch logs to get a comprehensive view of user activities.


Troubleshooting security incidents using AWS Cognito logs requires a systematic approach to analyzing the logs provided by CloudTrail and CloudWatch. By enabling and effectively utilizing these logs, you can gain valuable insights into the security of your application and take proactive measures to address potential issues. Regular monitoring and analysis of Cognito logs should be part of your security strategy to ensure the integrity and safety of your user authentication processes.

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