Steps to Encrypt EBS Data with AWS KMS

all aws aws security Jun 03, 2024

Encrypting your Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) volumes using AWS Key Management Service (KMS) enhances data security by managing encryption keys. Here's a concise guide to get you started.


  • An active AWS account.
  • An EC2 instance. Refer to the "Launching an EC2 Instance into a Public Subnet" recipe if needed.
  • A KMS key. Follow the "Creating Keys in KMS" recipe from Chapter 5 to create one.
  • An IAM user with administrative permissions and a configured CLI profile (e.g., Adminuserprofile).

Steps to Enable EBS Encryption

  1. Navigate to EC2 Service:

    • Go to the EC2 Dashboard, and under Elastic Block Store, click on Volumes.
  2. Create a Volume:

    • Click on Create Volume.
    • Set Volume type to General Purpose SSD (gp3), Size to 6 GiB, and other options to default.
    • Check the Encrypt this volume option.
    • Select your KMS key from the dropdown list.
    • Click on Create Volume.
  3. Create a Snapshot:

    • Select the newly created volume.
    • Click on Actions and select Create Snapshot.
    • Provide a description and click on Create Snapshot.
  4. Attach Encrypted Volume to EC2 Instance:

    • Use the AWS CLI to attach the volume:
      aws ec2 attach-volume --volume-id vol-011738e29948788f0 --instance-id i-0921f7d11fa70e9b1 --device /dev/xvdf --profile adminuser
  5. Verify Encryption:

    • Connect to the EC2 instance and run:
    • Confirm the encrypted volume is listed.

How It Works

When you create a KMS key, it secures your EBS volumes by encrypting data during instance creation or modification. For existing data, creating a snapshot initiates encryption, which is applied to new volumes created from that snapshot, ensuring data remains secure.

Additional Tips

  • Automate encryption steps using AWS CLI or SDKs.
  • Always back up critical data before starting the encryption process to ensure data integrity.


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