Mitigating the Confused Deputy Problem with External IDs for Secure Cross-Account Access in AWS

all aws aws iam aws security Apr 01, 2024


The Confused Deputy Problem refers to a security vulnerability where a system grants access to a resource based on the identity or permissions of an intermediary, rather than the original requester. In AWS, this can occur when one AWS account (acting as a deputy) grants access to a resource based on the permissions it has, rather than the permissions of the original requester.

Getting Started with Secure Cross-Account Access in AWS leveraging External IDs to Mitigate the Confused Deputy Problem:

  1. Understanding External IDs: An External ID is a unique identifier that you can pass along with a cross-account access request. This External ID acts as a "secret handshake" between accounts, ensuring that the request is coming from an authorized source.

  2. Setting Up the Trust Relationship: In the IAM (Identity and Access Management) settings of the AWS account hosting the resource (the "trusted" account), you can define a trust relationship with the AWS account that needs access (the "trusting" account). Within this trust relationship, you can specify an External ID.

  3. Using External IDs in Requests: When making a cross-account request from the trusting account to the trusted account, the requester includes the External ID in the request. This External ID must match the one configured in the trust relationship. If it doesn't match, the request is denied, helping to prevent unauthorized access.

  4. Implementing Access Policies: In addition to External IDs, you should also implement granular access policies using IAM roles and permissions. This ensures that even if a request passes the External ID check, it still needs to adhere to the permissions defined in the IAM policies.

  5. Regular Monitoring and Review: As with any security measure, it's essential to regularly monitor and review access patterns and permissions to ensure they align with the intended security posture. This includes auditing access logs and IAM policies.


Implementing secure cross-account access in AWS is paramount to maintaining a robust and reliable cloud infrastructure. By leveraging External IDs as a mechanism to mitigate the Confused Deputy Problem, AWS users can establish a trusted relationship between accounts while ensuring that access is granted only to authorized entities. Through careful configuration of IAM roles, policies, and regular monitoring practices, organizations can enhance the security posture of their AWS environments. Embracing these best practices not only mitigates risks but also fosters a culture of proactive security management within the AWS ecosystem.

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