Getting Started with AWS Simple AD

all aws aws directory Jul 07, 2024


AWS Simple AD is a cost-effective and lightweight directory service compatible with Microsoft Active Directory. It is tailored for small to medium-sized businesses that require essential directory functionalities without the complexity and overhead of a full-fledged Active Directory setup. In this guide, we'll walk you through the basics of AWS Simple AD, its key features, and how to get started with setting it up.

What is AWS Simple AD?

AWS Simple AD is a standalone managed directory service that provides basic Active Directory features. It supports user and group management, Kerberos-based single sign-on (SSO), and Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP). Simple AD is ideal for organizations that need straightforward, cost-efficient directory services for their AWS environments.

Key Features:

  • User and Group Management: Create, modify, and delete user accounts and organize them into groups for easy access control.
  • Single Sign-On (SSO): Kerberos-based SSO allows users to log in once and gain access to multiple applications without re-entering credentials.
  • LDAP Support: Authenticate and retrieve information from the directory using LDAP-compatible applications.
  • Integration with AWS Services: Seamlessly integrates with AWS services like Amazon EC2, RDS, and WorkSpaces.
  • Cost-Effective: Provides a budget-friendly directory service solution for small to medium-sized businesses.

How to Use AWS Simple AD

  1. User and Group Management:

    • Add new users to the directory for access to AWS resources and applications.
    • Create groups to organize users based on roles or departments and assign permissions accordingly.
    • Update user information such as passwords, contact details, and group memberships.
  2. Single Sign-On (SSO):

    • Configure SSO for compatible applications to provide seamless access for users.
    • Use Simple AD as the central authentication system for your AWS resources and applications.
  3. LDAP Integration:

    • Configure your applications to use Simple AD as the LDAP server for authentication and directory lookups.
    • Use LDAP groups to control access to resources and applications.
  4. Integration with AWS Services:

    • Manage access to EC2 instances using domain credentials.
    • Integrate with RDS instances for database authentication.
    • Use Simple AD to manage user access to virtual desktops with Amazon WorkSpaces.

Setting Up AWS Simple AD

Setting up Simple AD is straightforward. Follow these steps to get started:

  1. Navigate to the Directory Service Console:

    • Log in to the AWS Management Console.
    • Go to the Directory Service section.
  2. Create a Directory:

    • Click on "Set up directory."
    • Choose "Simple AD" from the directory types.
  3. Configure Directory Details:

    • Enter the directory name, short name (NetBIOS name), and description.
    • Select the edition (Small or Large) based on your organization's needs.
  4. Network Configuration:

    • Choose the VPC and subnets where the directory will be created.
    • Ensure that the selected subnets have the necessary connectivity.
  5. Review and Create:

    • Review the configuration details.
    • Click "Create Simple AD" to initiate the directory creation process.
  6. Directory Management:

    • Once created, use the Directory Service console to manage users, groups, and directory settings.


AWS Simple AD offers a powerful yet straightforward directory service that delivers essential Active Directory features without the complexity of a full AD deployment. It is ideal for small to medium-sized businesses seeking an affordable and easy-to-manage directory solution. By leveraging Simple AD, you can efficiently manage user access, integrate with AWS services, and provide seamless authentication for your applications. Get started with AWS Simple AD today and streamline your directory management in the cloud.

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