Getting Started with Amazon EBS Lifecycle Manager

all aws amazon ec2 aws automation aws storage Feb 03, 2024


Ensuring that our data is backed up securely and efficiently is crucial. Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers many tools to make life easier for its users, and one such tool is the Amazon EBS Lifecycle Manager. This post aims to demystify the EBS Lifecycle Manager for beginners, guiding you through the basic steps of setting up and using it and exploring its features and potential use cases.

What is EBS Lifecycle Manager?

EBS Lifecycle Manager automates managing snapshots and AMIs of our EBS volumes. It can create backups automatically, maintain them for a specified duration, and then delete them when no longer needed, all according to our defined rules. This automation saves time, helps manage costs, and ensures compliance with data retention policies.

Key Features of EBS Lifecycle Manager

  1. Automated Snapshots: Schedule and automate the creation of EBS volume snapshots regularly (daily, weekly, etc.).
  2. Retention Policies: Define how long snapshots should be retained before being automatically deleted.
  3. Tagging Support: Utilize AWS tags to manage which EBS volumes are included in our lifecycle policies.
  4. AMI Management: Automate the lifecycle of EBS-backed AMIs, including creation and deletion.
  5. Cost Optimization: Automatically delete outdated snapshots and AMIs to help reduce storage costs.
  6. Compliance: Support compliance efforts with automated backup and retention strategies.

Setting Up EBS Lifecycle Manager

Here’s a simplified guide to setting up our first lifecycle policy:

  1. Access the AWS Management Console: Log in to our AWS account and navigate to the EC2 Dashboard.

  2. Find EBS Lifecycle Manager: In the EC2 Dashboard, look for the EBS section on the left-hand menu and select "Lifecycle Manager."

  3. Create a Lifecycle Policy: Click on "Create Snapshot Lifecycle Policy." We'll be prompted to configure several settings:

    • Policy Name: Give policy a meaningful name.
    • Resource Type: Choose whether the policy applies to volumes or instances.
    • Target Tags: Specify which volumes or instances the policy should apply to using tags.
    • Schedule: Define how often snapshots should be taken (e.g., every 12 hours).
    • Retention: Set how long snapshots should be kept (e.g., 14 days).
    • Tags for Snapshots: Optionally, add tags to our snapshots for easier management.
  4. Review and Create: Once configuring the settings, review the policy and click "Create Policy." Our policy is active, and snapshots will be taken and managed automatically based on our rules.

Use Cases for EBS Lifecycle Manager

  • Disaster Recovery: Ensure we have regular snapshots as part of our disaster recovery plan.
  • Data Retention Compliance: Automate the retention of snapshots for compliance with industry regulations.
  • Cost Management: Reduce costs by automatically deleting old snapshots that are no longer necessary.
  • Development and Testing: Automate the creation and deletion of snapshots for non-production environments, ensuring developers and testers can access recent data without manual intervention.


EBS Lifecycle Manager is a powerful tool within AWS that simplifies the management of snapshots and AMIs, helping us to ensure data integrity, comply with retention policies, and manage costs more effectively. Following the steps outlined above, we can quickly set up our lifecycle policies and take a significant step towards more efficient cloud resource management.

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