Getting Started with AWS Artifact

all aws aws compliance Jul 05, 2024


AWS Artifact is a key service for anyone dealing with compliance in the cloud. It provides on-demand access to AWS's security and compliance reports and select online agreements, making it easier for businesses to meet regulatory requirements. In this blog post, we'll explore what AWS Artifact is, its benefits, and how to use it.

What is AWS Artifact?

AWS Artifact is a comprehensive resource for compliance-related information that helps you understand and manage your AWS environment's security and compliance status. It provides access to:

  1. AWS Artifact Agreements: Review and accept agreements with AWS.
  2. AWS Artifact Reports: Access AWS’s compliance reports and certifications.

Benefits of AWS Artifact

  1. Simplified Compliance: Easily access and download AWS's compliance reports to streamline your own audits and compliance processes.
  2. Transparency: Gain insight into AWS’s security controls and practices.
  3. On-Demand Access: Quickly retrieve the necessary documentation when you need it.

How to Use AWS Artifact

Using AWS Artifact is straightforward. Here are the steps to get started:

  1. Accessing AWS Artifact:

    • Log in to the AWS Management Console.
    • In the navigation bar, type "Artifact" and select the service from the dropdown.
  2. Navigating AWS Artifact:

    • The AWS Artifact dashboard is divided into two main sections: AWS Artifact Agreements and AWS Artifact Reports.
  3. AWS Artifact Agreements:

    • Navigate to the "Agreements" section.
    • Here, you can view and accept various agreements, such as Business Associate Addendum (BAA) for HIPAA compliance.
    • Click on the agreement you need, review the terms, and accept it if required.
  4. AWS Artifact Reports:

    • Go to the "Reports" section.
    • You will find a list of compliance reports and certifications, such as ISO, SOC, and PCI.
    • Select the report you need and download it for your records.

Example Use Cases

  1. Preparing for an Audit:

    • Before an external audit, you can download the necessary AWS compliance reports (e.g., SOC 2, ISO 27001) from AWS Artifact to show that your cloud infrastructure is compliant with industry standards.
  2. Reviewing Security Practices:

    • If you're a security officer, you can use AWS Artifact to understand the security measures AWS has in place, helping you align your own practices with those of AWS.


AWS Artifact is an essential tool for anyone involved in cloud compliance. By providing easy access to AWS's compliance reports and agreements, it helps organizations streamline their own compliance processes and ensure they are meeting regulatory requirements. Start using AWS Artifact today to make your compliance journey smoother and more efficient.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out or leave a comment below!

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