Getting Started with Amazon CloudWatch Custom Metrics

all aws aws monitoring Jun 04, 2024


Amazon CloudWatch is a powerful monitoring and management service provided by AWS that allows you to gain insight into your applications, understand system performance, and optimize resource utilization. While CloudWatch provides many metrics out of the box, there are times when you need to monitor custom metrics specific to your application. In this blog post, we'll guide you through the basics of getting started with CloudWatch custom metrics.

What are Custom Metrics?

Custom metrics are user-defined metrics that you can create to monitor specific aspects of your application or infrastructure that are not covered by default CloudWatch metrics. For example, you might want to track the number of user logins, the number of transactions processed, or application-specific error rates.

Why Use Custom Metrics?

  • Tailored Monitoring: Track specific performance indicators relevant to your application.
  • Better Insights: Gain deeper insights into your application's behavior and performance.
  • Proactive Management: Set up alarms and automated actions based on your custom metrics to proactively manage issues.

Getting Started with CloudWatch Custom Metrics

Step 1: Set Up Your AWS Account

Before you can use Amazon CloudWatch, you need an AWS account. If you don’t have one, sign up at AWS.

Step 2: Install and Configure the AWS CLI

To publish custom metrics to CloudWatch, you'll often use the AWS CLI. If you haven’t already, install the AWS CLI and configure it with your AWS credentials:

  1. Install the AWS CLI: Follow the instructions on the AWS CLI Installation Guide.
  2. Configure the AWS CLI: Run aws configure and provide your AWS access key, secret key, region, and output format.

Step 3: Create and Publish a Custom Metric

You can publish custom metrics using the AWS CLI, AWS SDKs, or directly through the CloudWatch console. Here’s how to do it using the AWS CLI:

  1. Choose a Namespace: Custom metrics must be published to a namespace. A namespace is like a container for your metrics (e.g., MyApp/Metrics).

  2. Define Your Metric: Decide on the metric name and the dimensions (key-value pairs that uniquely identify a metric).

  3. Publish the Metric: Use the following command to publish a custom metric to CloudWatch:

    aws cloudwatch put-metric-data --metric-name MyCustomMetric --namespace MyApp/Metrics --value 100 --dimensions InstanceId=i-1234567890abcdef0
    This command publishes a metric named MyCustomMetric with a value of 100 to the MyApp/Metrics namespace, with an InstanceId dimension.

Step 4: Verify Your Metric in the CloudWatch Console

  1. Open the CloudWatch Console: Navigate to the CloudWatch Console.
  2. View Metrics: In the left sidebar, click on Metrics.
  3. Select Your Namespace: Find and click on your namespace (e.g., MyApp/Metrics).
  4. View Your Custom Metric: You should see your custom metric listed. Click on it to view detailed statistics and create alarms.

Step 5: Create an Alarm for Your Custom Metric

To get notified when your custom metric crosses a threshold, you can create an alarm:

  1. Create an Alarm: In the CloudWatch console, click on Alarms in the left sidebar and then Create Alarm.
  2. Select Metric: Choose your custom metric from the list.
  3. Define Alarm Conditions: Set the threshold value and the conditions under which the alarm should trigger (e.g., if the metric value is greater than 200).
  4. Configure Actions: Specify what actions should be taken when the alarm state is triggered (e.g., send a notification to an SNS topic).
  5. Create Alarm: Review and create your alarm.


Creating custom metrics in Amazon CloudWatch allows you to monitor specific aspects of your application and infrastructure, providing deeper insights and enabling proactive management. By following the steps outlined above, you can easily get started with CloudWatch custom metrics and tailor your monitoring to suit your needs.

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