Exploring AWS Directory Solutions

all aws aws directory Jul 07, 2024


AWS offers a variety of directory solutions tailored to meet different business needs, providing secure and scalable directory management. In this blog post, we'll explore the key directory services available within AWS: AWS Managed Microsoft AD, Simple AD, AD Connector, Amazon Cognito User Pools, and Amazon Cloud Directory.

1. AWS Managed Microsoft AD

AWS Managed Microsoft AD is a fully managed service that runs Microsoft Active Directory (AD) on AWS infrastructure. It helps organizations extend their on-premises AD to the cloud, ensuring seamless integration with AWS applications and services.

Key Features:

  • Fully Managed: AWS takes care of patching, monitoring, and recovery.
  • Trust Relationships: Supports one-way and two-way trust relationships with on-premises AD.
  • Scalability: Automatically scales as your directory grows.
  • High Availability: Deployed across multiple Availability Zones for redundancy.
  • Security: Integrates with AWS IAM for secure access management.

Use Cases:

  • Extending on-premises AD to the cloud.
  • Single sign-on (SSO) for AWS and on-premises applications.
  • Centralized management of Windows environments on AWS.

2. Simple AD

Simple AD is a low-cost, standalone directory service that is compatible with Microsoft Active Directory. It is ideal for small to medium-sized businesses that need basic AD functionality without the complexity.

Key Features:

  • Basic Directory Services: Supports user and group management, Kerberos-based SSO, and Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP).
  • Ease of Use: Simple to set up and manage.
  • Integration: Works well with Linux and Windows workloads on AWS.

Use Cases:

  • Small to medium-sized businesses needing directory services.
  • Organizations looking for a cost-effective directory solution.
  • Simple identity management for cloud applications.

Read more about Simple AD at cloudericks.com/blog/getting-started-with-aws-simple-ad

3. AD Connector

AD Connector is a directory gateway that allows you to redirect directory requests to your on-premises Microsoft AD without caching any information in the cloud. This provides a seamless experience while using your existing AD.

Key Features:

  • No Cloud Cache: Does not store any directory data in the cloud.
  • Low Latency: Directly connects to on-premises AD, ensuring minimal latency.
  • Simple Deployment: Easy to set up and configure.
  • Security: Utilizes existing on-premises security policies and infrastructure.

Use Cases:

  • Organizations that want to use AWS services but keep their AD data on-premises.
  • Simplifying access management for hybrid environments.
  • Extending on-premises AD capabilities to AWS applications.

4. Amazon Cognito User Pools

Amazon Cognito User Pools is a user directory service that provides sign-up and sign-in functionality for web and mobile apps. It scales to millions of users and integrates with social identity providers.

Key Features:

  • User Management: Handles user registration, authentication, and account recovery.
  • Scalability: Automatically scales to handle millions of users.
  • Federated Identities: Integrates with social identity providers like Facebook, Google, and Amazon.
  • Security: Provides multi-factor authentication (MFA) and encryption.

Use Cases:

  • Building secure user authentication for web and mobile applications.
  • Managing user identities in a scalable manner.
  • Integrating social login features into applications.

5. Amazon Cloud Directory

Amazon Cloud Directory is a highly scalable, managed directory service designed for developers who need a flexible, hierarchical data store. It supports multiple hierarchies in a single directory, making it ideal for applications with complex relationships.

Key Features:

  • Flexibility: Supports multiple hierarchies and schema versions.
  • Scalability: Automatically scales to accommodate millions of objects.
  • Graph-Based Relationships: Easily model relationships between objects.
  • Integration: Works well with AWS IAM and other AWS services.

Use Cases:

  • Building organizational charts, course catalogs, and device registries.
  • Managing data with complex relationships and hierarchies.
  • Applications needing a flexible and scalable directory service.


AWS offers a diverse range of directory services to meet the needs of different organizations, from small businesses to large enterprises. Whether you need a managed Microsoft AD, a simple directory service, a gateway to your on-premises AD, user pools for web and mobile apps, or a scalable cloud directory, AWS has a solution tailored for you. By leveraging these services, you can enhance your identity and access management, improve security, and simplify your IT infrastructure.

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