Creating an Amazon CloudWatch Dashboard

all aws aws monitoring Jun 04, 2024


Amazon CloudWatch is an essential tool for monitoring your AWS resources and applications. One of the most powerful features of CloudWatch is the ability to create dashboards that visualize the performance and health of your services at a glance. In this blog post, we'll walk you through the steps to create a CloudWatch dashboard and discuss the needs and benefits of using this feature.

Why Create a CloudWatch Dashboard?

CloudWatch dashboards provide a centralized view of your application’s metrics, making it easier to monitor and manage the performance and health of your AWS resources. Here are some benefits:

  • Centralized Monitoring: View multiple metrics from different AWS services in one place.
  • Customization: Tailor the dashboard to your specific needs with various widgets and visualizations.
  • Proactive Management: Quickly identify and respond to issues with real-time data.
  • Improved Insights: Correlate data from multiple sources to gain a deeper understanding of your application’s behavior.

Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a CloudWatch Dashboard

Step 1: Access CloudWatch in the AWS Console

First, navigate to the CloudWatch service in the AWS Management Console.

Step 2: Create a New Dashboard

  1. Click on Dashboards from the left sidebar.
  2. Click on Create dashboard.

Step 3: Name Your Dashboard

  1. In the pop-up screen, provide a name for your dashboard. For this example, let's use MySecurityDashboard.
  2. Click Create dashboard.

Step 4: Select Widget Configuration

  1. On the screen for selecting a Widget Configuration, choose Line visualization.
  2. Click Next.

Step 5: Choose Metrics

  1. From the list of metrics, click on Billing.
  2. Select By Service.
  3. Choose all the services you need to monitor. You can adjust the duration and type as needed. For this example, set the duration to 1 week (1w) and the type to Line.

Step 6: Create the Widget

  1. Scroll down and click Create widget. The widget should now appear on your dashboard.
  2. Click Save. The link to your new dashboard will now appear on the left sidebar.

Step 7: View and Manage Your Dashboard

  1. Click on the dashboard link on the left sidebar.
  2. You should see your dashboard with the widgets on the right-hand side.

Step 8: Add Additional Widgets

  1. To add more widgets, click on the Add widget button.
  2. Select the desired metrics and configure the widgets as needed.
  3. After adding the widgets, click on the Save dashboard button to save your changes.

Important Concepts for CloudWatch Dashboards

Widget Types

AWS supports various types of visualizations for dashboard widgets, including:

  • Line
  • Stacked Area
  • Number
  • Text
  • Query Results

In this guide, we selected the line visualization. You can choose the type that best suits your monitoring needs.

Custom Time Periods

You can set custom time periods for your widgets. In our example, we used a 1-week duration, but you can adjust this to any time frame that provides the most meaningful insights for your application.

Correlating Metrics

One of the powerful features of CloudWatch dashboards is the ability to add metrics from different services into the same widget. This allows you to correlate their usage and gain a holistic view of your application's performance.

Refresh Intervals

Within the widget configuration, you can set the refresh intervals to update the data displayed in the widget. This ensures you always have the most up-to-date information.

Creating Multiple Widgets

While creating an alarm limits you to selecting one metric, dashboards allow you to create multiple widgets and visualize various metrics side by side. This provides a comprehensive overview of your application's health and performance.


Creating a CloudWatch dashboard is a straightforward process that can significantly enhance your ability to monitor and manage your AWS resources. By following the steps outlined above, you can set up a customized dashboard that provides real-time insights into your application’s performance. Whether you're tracking billing, service health, or custom application metrics, CloudWatch dashboards offer a versatile and powerful tool for maintaining optimal operation of your AWS environment.

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