Comparing AWS Secrets Manager and Parameter Store

all aws aws security aws ssm Jan 31, 2024


Managing secrets and configurations efficiently is crucial for securing applications and maintaining a seamless operational flow. AWS offers two notable services for this purpose: AWS Secrets Manager and AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store. While both services are designed to handle sensitive information, they serve different needs and offer unique features. Let's break down the essentials of these services in an easy-to-follow format.

What is AWS Secrets Manager?

AWS Secrets Manager is a newer, robust service launched in 2018, specifically tailored for managing secrets like database credentials, API keys, and other sensitive information that our applications need to access services securely. Here’s why you might consider using it:

  • Secure storage: Our secrets are automatically encrypted using AWS KMS, ensuring that our sensitive information is kept safe.
  • Automatic secret rotation: It supports automatic rotation of secrets, which can help in maintaining security by regularly changing access credentials without manual intervention.
  • Versioning: This feature allows us to revert to previous versions of secrets if needed, providing an extra layer of safety in case of accidental changes or errors.
  • Fine-grained access control: With AWS IAM, we can define who can access which secrets, ensuring that only authorized entities have access.
  • Built-in Integration with Amazon RDS: It offers seamless integration with Amazon RDS for MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Aurora, making it an ideal choice for applications utilizing these databases.
  • Integration with other services: Integrates with other databases such as Document DB, Redshift cluster, etc. and also other secret types such as API key, OAuth token, etc.

The main drawback of AWS Secrets Manager is its cost, which is higher than that of AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store due to its advanced features.

What is the AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store?

Parameter Store is a component of AWS Systems Manager, offering a centralized store to manage configuration data and secrets. It's a versatile tool that provides:

  • Centralized and hierarchical storage: Organize our configurations and secrets efficiently using a hierarchy of parameters, making it easier to manage across different applications and environments.
  • Versioning and access control: Similar to Secrets Manager, it supports versioning and allows us to control access using IAM.
  • Integration with AWS services: It also integrates with various AWS services, making it simple to access parameters when needed.

Parameter Store's main limitation is its throughput, which is capped at a default rate, which might concern high-traffic applications. Additionally, it does not offer automatic secret rotation, requiring manual updates or custom solutions.

Choosing Between the Two

The decision between AWS Secrets Manager and AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store ultimately depends on our specific needs:

  • Choose AWS Secrets Manager if we prioritise securing secrets, especially if we require features like automatic rotation, built-in integration with databases such as RDS, and detailed audit trails. It's ideal for applications where security and compliance are paramount despite the higher cost.
  • Opt for AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store for a more cost-effective solution that balances secret management with configuration data handling. It's particularly suitable for projects where budget constraints are considered, and the automatic rotation of secrets is not necessary.


AWS Secrets Manager and AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store offer valuable features for securely and efficiently managing sensitive information. Our choice between the two should align with our project's specific requirements, balancing between security features, cost implications, and operational needs. Understanding the capabilities and limitations of each service allows us to make an informed decision that best fits our AWS environment. 

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