Comparing Amazon EBS and EFS

all aws amazon ec2 aws storage Jan 22, 2024


In the world of AWS (Amazon Web Services), storage plays a critical role. Among the various storage options, Amazon EBS (Elastic Block Store) and EFS (Elastic File System) stand out for their unique features and use cases. Understanding the differences between EBS and EFS is key to optimizing your cloud architecture. Let’s dive into a comparative analysis, focusing on real-world applications.

Amazon EBS: The Block Storage Solution

Amazon EBS provides persistent block storage volumes for use with EC2 instances. Think of it as a hard drive for your virtual server in the cloud.

Key Characteristics of EBS Volumes:

  • Instance Specific: Typically, an EBS volume is attached to only one EC2 instance. However, with multi-attach enabled volumes like io1 and io2, a single volume can be attached to multiple instances.
  • Availability Zone Locked: EBS volumes are confined to the Availability Zone (AZ) they are created in. This means you can’t directly attach an EBS volume to an instance in a different AZ.
  • Performance Scaling: With gp2 volumes, the IO performance scales with the size of the disk. For gp3 and io1 volumes, you can adjust IO performance independently of the disk size.
  • Cross-AZ Migration: To move an EBS volume across AZs, take a snapshot of the volume and then restore it in the target AZ.
  • Backup Considerations: EBS backups, which are essentially snapshots, use IO. It’s advised not to run backups during peak traffic to avoid performance degradation.
  • Default Termination Behavior: The root EBS volume of an EC2 instance is deleted by default if the instance is terminated. This setting can be changed to preserve the volume.

Real-World Use Case:

Imagine running a high-traffic eCommerce website on AWS. For your database server, you'd choose EBS gp3 or io1 volumes for their ability to scale IO performance, ensuring fast database transactions even during sales events.

Amazon EFS: Scalable File Storage

Amazon EFS offers a scalable file storage solution, ideal for applications that require a shared file system.

Key Characteristics of EFS:

  • Multi-Instance Access: EFS can be mounted on hundreds of instances across different AZs, making it perfect for applications that require shared access to files.
  • Linux Compatibility: It’s designed for Linux instances (POSIX-compliant), so it’s not suitable for Windows-based systems.
  • Pricing: EFS is generally more expensive than EBS, but you can use EFS-IA (Infrequent Access) for cost savings on less accessed data.
  • Use Case Specific: EFS is ideal for scenarios like sharing website files among multiple servers, as in a WordPress setup.

Real-World Use Case:

Consider a media company that manages large video and image files. These files need to be accessed and edited by various teams. EFS is perfect here, providing a central, scalable file repository accessible by multiple instances across AZs.

EBS vs EFS vs Instance Store: Quick Recap

  • EBS: Best for single-instance storage with high performance and low latency. Ideal for databases and boot volumes.
  • EFS: Suited for applications requiring shared access to files across multiple instances. Great for web servers and content management systems.
  • Instance Store: Provides temporary block-level storage directly attached to the host computer. It’s fast but data is lost if the instance is stopped or terminated.


In conclusion, whether you choose EBS or EFS depends on your specific application needs. EBS excels in single-instance, high-performance scenarios, while EFS is your go-to for shared file systems across multiple instances. Understanding these nuances will help you make informed decisions in your AWS cloud strategy.

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